CoActions Lab

Cognition and Actions Lab

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Simon Van hemelrijck

Research Associate

simon van hemelrijck 140x180Simon completed a master’s degree in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation at the Université Catholique de Louvain (June 2017). During his master thesis, he investigated the impact of urgency on the motor cortex during decision-making. He then joined the CoActions Lab (Oct 2017) as a research associate to better understand the role of inhibitory mechanisms occurring during decision-making processes (cfr. Inhibition and Decision-making sections).


Institute of Neuroscience
Université catholique Louvain
Ave Mounier 53 - Bte B1.53.04
1200 Bruxelles, Belgium

Phone: (+32) 02/764.54.32
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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  • Hot line: +32 2 764 54 29                            Twitter Bird@DuqueLab