Gerard Derosiere
PhD, Post-Doctoral Researcher
Since November 2022, Gerard Derosiere has held a tenured researcher position at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), working as a principal investigator at the Lyon Research Center for Neuroscience (CRNL). His research is dedicated to deepening our understanding of the neural mechanisms that underlie motivation, decision-making, and apathy.
Before moving to Lyon, Gerard spent seven years as a postdoctoral researcher in the lab (Nov 2014 – Oct 2021). During this time, he focused on investigating the neural bases of motor decisions. In October 2021, he obtained a temporary FNRS researcher position, enabling him to initiate his independent project on effort-based decision-making and apathy. This endeavor laid the groundwork for his current research program. Gerard is still affiliated to the lab as a visiting researcher and keeps working on several projects in collaboration with the CoActions lab.
Follow Gerard on Twitter: @GDerosiere.
Representative Publications
- Derosiere, Gerard; Thura, David; Cisek, Paul; Duque, Julie. Hasty sensorimotor decisions rely on an overlap of broad and selective changes in motor activity. In: PLOS Biology.; 20(4), e3001598 (2022).
- Derosiere, Gerard; Thura, David; Cisek, Paul; Duque, Julie. Trading accuracy for speed over the course of a decision. In: J. Neurophysiol. 126(2), 361-372, (2021).
- Derosiere G, Vassiliadis P, Duque J. (2020). Advanced TMS approaches to probe corticospinal excitability during action preparation. NeuroImage.
- Derosiere G, Duque J. (2020). Tuning the corticospinal system: how distributed brain circuits shape human actions. The Neuroscientist.
- Alamia A, Duque J, VanRullen R, Zenon A, Derosiere G. (2019). Implicit visual cues tune oscillatory motor activity during decision-making. NeuroImage.
- Derosiere G, Thura D, Cisek P, Duque J. (2019). Motor cortex disruption delays motor processes but not deliberation about action choices. Journal of Neurophysiology.
- Derosiere G, Klein PA, Nozaradan S, Zenon A, Mouraux A, Duque J. (2018). Visuomotor correlates of conflict expectation in the context of motor decisions. The Journal of Neuroscience.
- Derosiere G.(2018). A dynamical system framework for theorizing preparatory inhibition. The Journal of Neuroscience.
- Derosiere G, Vassiliadis P, Demaret S, Zenon A, Duque J.(2017). Learning stage-dependent effect of M1 disruption on value-based motor decisions. NeuroImage.
- Derosiere G, Zenon A, Alamia A, Duque J. (2017). Primary motor cortex contributes to the implementation of implicit value-based rules during motor decisions. NeuroImage.
- Quoilin C, Derosiere G. (2015). Global and specific motor inhibitory mechanisms during action preparation. The Journal of Neuroscience.
- Derosiere G, Billot M, Ward T, Perrey S. (2015). Adaptation of motor activity to lapses in attention. Cerebral Cortex.
Institute of Neuroscience
Université catholique Louvain
Ave Mounier 53 - Bte B1.53.04
1200 Bruxelles, Belgium
Phone: (+32) 02/764.54.48
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Other lab members
- Julie DUQUE, principal investigator
- Thomas CARSTEN
- Goldy YADAV
- Shiyong SU
- Ronan DENYER
- Emmanuelle WILHELM
- Fanny FIEVEZ
- Thibault FUMERY
- Mantosh PATNAIK
- Fostine CHAISE